There is a grey room inside a grey tree and there on a grey chair sat a grey man. And he dreamed of green. And he dreamed of blue. But mostly he dreamed of eating art.
He was once outside, traveling through the great cities of the world, eating their art with his girlfriend, a spicy sausage herself. He liked all periods, but his favorite was cubism. It was like eating a burrito with the most atomic hot sauce. Gave him an upset stomach some times - but the heavenly pleasure of a first bite into a priceless masterpiece made any pain so worth it! And the sex on the work of some medieval genius made them both so hungry! They ate those paintings up in seconds! It was a life to dream of. Which is all he did dream of now that he was locked in the grey room inside the grey tree...
They were caught under the silliest circumstances. Over some modern art that they always got as the last resort when nothing juicier was nearby. Some over-excited artist followed them home from the gallery and just couldn't get it. They thought he might be hip to eating, but he didn't sell the publishing rights yet and got totally freaked out. So the cops came and then all the small-minded collectors came down on them for all the years they feasted. So they put him in the tree and the girlfriend was frozen in chicken bouillion and put on display. He kind of liked that and looked forward to eating her when he'd get out.
But this was not to be as the tree he was in became known as an art object in itself and was soon devoured by a gang of copycat youngsters. "At least my dream will live on" - was his last thought as they were biting through his neck...
Tiene nada que decir - se callen para no atascar el tema.
Posted by: saib | September 03, 2011 at 09:57 AM